Coming 2025


Coming 2025 〰️

Therapeutic Assessment & Consultation

You want to understand yourself better so you can know how to care for yourself. This assessment process offers a mix of clinical and casual assessment tools to help you discover important aspects of your neurotype and identify your needs.

We’ll follow up with a consultation to review the assessment results and discuss how you might integrate new discoveries into your life. I’ll provide a written report of the results, a summary of our discussion, and resources that may be useful.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Assessment:

    • Autism / ADHD Evaluation

    • Sensory Profile Evaluation

    • Assessment of Overexcitabilities

    • Art-Based Assessment of Needs

    • Inventory of Values

    • Self-questionnaires & other assessment tools depending

    90-Minute Consultation


    • Written report

    • Accommodation recommendations

    • Documentation of diagnoses (if needed)

  • Yes. As an LMFT with specialized training, I am able to assess for and diagnose Autism and ADHD. However, if you're looking for formal accommodations or seeking medication, it might be better to get your diagnosis from a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. If you're unsure of how to proceed, we can talk about your goals and concerns, and I'll provide referrals if needed.

  • Most folks who seek out this assessment may already be self-identified or suspect they are autistic or ADHD, but want to better grasp some of the details and nuances of their neurotype.

    This assessment/consultation offering may be a good fit for you if you hope to leave with a deeper understanding of yourself, ideas for self-support, and a sense of direction.

    If diagnosis, alone, is your primary goal for assessment and you're less interested in the non-diagnostic or consultation aspects of this process, I would be happy to provide referrals to highly skilled and affirming evaluators.

  • The whole process will take about 5 hours divided across 2 or 3 days (not necessarily consecutive) depending on the pace most comfortable for you.

    After having an initial call to make sure this process is a good fit for you and that it's what you're looking for, I'll send you some brief intake paperwork and several questionnaires to fill out.

    Once you've completed everything, we'll meet to focus on the assessment process. We can meet for 3.5 hours (not including any breaks you or I might need), or we can break this time up into 2 days.

    Our final meeting will be the 90-minute consultation to review your results and brainstorm ways you might integrate what you've learned about yourself.

    You'll receive all documentation within a week of our final meeting.

  • After completing the assessment process, we'll schedule our 90-minute consultation to go over the results and find concrete ways to integrate new discoveries into your day-to-day life.

    This might include establishing an individualized sensory diet, finding ways to channel overexcitabilities, identifying accommodations that could be useful at work or school, or bringing clarity to short & long term life goals.

    A summary of our conversation will be included in the final report.

  • I offer a free initial call to hear about what you're looking for and see if this process will be a good fit for you.

    If we move forward, the full process is $850 total, the equivalent of 5 therapy sessions. This price is based on my standard hourly rate of $170.

    You can pay up front or we can split up the cost.

    Depending on your insurance benefits, you may be able to get some of the cost reimbursed. I'm happy to provide a superbill.

  • My practice is fully virtual. This assessment process is available to anyone located in the state of California. We'll meet online through Simple Practice's video platform.

  • While I rarely have openings for new therapy clients, anyone who completes this assessment process will be prioritized on my waitlist.

    Since I'll get to know you so well throughout this process, I can help get you connected with any of my wonderful, affirming colleagues who seems like a good fit for therapy.

    You might already have a therapist you enjoy working with. It could be beneficial to continue processing our discoveries with that therapist.

  • I think so! Make sure to mention this during our first call so we can figure out some accommodations. If for whatever reason we can't make this process work for you, I'll provide appropriate referrals.