Therapy for Intense & Sensitive Types

Delight in small details, rumination, hyperfocus and fixation, sensory joy, moodiness, an intricate imagination, big emotions, the need to always be moving, deep thoughts about existence, intense fears…

Perhaps you’re gifted, autistic, &/or an ADHDer. Or maybe you’re not sure; you’re still trying to figure it out. What you do know is that daily life can be rough, and you frequently find yourself lost and overwhelmed.

While the experiences of neurodivergent folks are vast and diverse, most of us tend to experience some form of sensitivity, intensity, or both.

Likely, you’ve been told that you’re too much. You try to hold it in, to tone it down, keep it together. You try to let things go and push through discomfort. You struggle with your self-esteem and wonder, “Why am I like this?” or “What’s wrong with me?”

The truth is, you are different. But there is nothing wrong with you.

You’ve internalized negative beliefs about yourself from people and environments that just weren’t the right fit. You never learned to understand yourself because you’ve been taught that you need to change who you are.

When we don’t know how to tend to our intense, sensitive selves, these traits can run amuck, leading to stress and inner chaos… Maybe outer chaos, too. The rejection sensitivity, non-stop thinking, chronic overwhelm and relentless perfectionism make it feel impossible to find moments of peace.

All you want is for life to feel a bit easier so you can do what you find meaningful. You’ve been stuck in a state of high stress and turmoil for so long, your nervous system is needing care. Maybe you’re burnt out on life and know that something needs to change.

I want to get to know you. Together, we can figure out how to soothe your nervous system, heal your relationship with yourself, and get in touch with your innate resources. We’ll learn more about your sensitivity and intensity, and uncover strategies to channel these traits in ways that are fulfilling.

The bottom line is this: you deserve to express yourself authentically, to experience yourself fully, and to know yourself deeply.