Speaking, Interviews, Writing

Speaking Engagements

CE Training: Approaches to Dreamwork in Psychotherapy, 2023

Autism Acceptance Presentation and Q&A Panel, 2023 - A Seat at the Table Books

Graduate Thesis

Liberation of Ecological Being: Deconstructing the Feeling of Disconnection from Nature (2021)


All humans are ecological beings, embedded within a web of human and more-than-human relations. Despite this intrinsic truth, many individuals report feelings of disconnection from nature. Utilizing the methodology of hermeneutic phenomenology, this thesis examines the phenomenon of feeling disconnected from nature and poses the question: What are the possibilities for healing this sense of disconnection? The feeling of disconnection from nature is deconstructed, revealing that the phenomenon is rooted in the Euro-American socially constructed human/nature binary, and a colonial value system that denigrates and represses the experiential capacities of the body. Healing ecological alienation is a process of liberating the ecological self. This process involves rejecting dominant narratives that reinforce the human/nature binary, crafting an alternative, ecologically oriented narrative, and the retrieval of embodiment.