Therapy for Complex Trauma (CPTSD)

Growing up, you didn’t feel seen or understood. Your needs and feelings were invalidated, overlooked or put down. You were made to feel that you were bad and that there was something wrong with you. Maybe your parents were abusive, neglectful or emotionally immature. Or maybe your home life was fairly stable, but like the ugly duckling you felt out of place.

Complex PTSD (also known as relational trauma, developmental trauma, or attachment wounds) can result from recurring adverse experiences, typically during childhood & adolescence. A chronic lack of positive childhood experiences can contribute as well. Autistic, gifted, and ADHD folks can be particularly vulnerable to complex trauma due to our widely misunderstood needs/experiences and innate sensitivities.

As an adult, you’re stuck in wounds from the past and the habits that helped you survive.

It’s difficult to trust others. You might feel disconnected from those around you or struggle to let your guard down. This is completely understandable given the confusion, instability or lack of safety in relationships from the past. It gets lonely.

Your relationship with yourself is struggling, too. Feelings of worthlessness frequently take over and might manifest as perfectionism, shame spirals or chronic suicidality. You’re stuck in fight/flight/fawn patterns. You’re frequently dissociated.

You might also be experiencing unexplained physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, chronic pain, or other concerning bodily sensations. Your history is manifesting itself through your body.

I know that you’re so tired of feeling this way. Despite all that you’ve experienced, you keep showing up for yourself. You’re showing up for your child self who came into this world seeking love and belonging, but was met with a very different reality. Your resilience has gotten you this far. While beautiful and inspiring, resilience can be unbelievably exhausting.

The emotions, memories, and daily struggles are heavy. My job is to hold it all with you until things start to feel lighter.